Treasure Coast News, Business and Community Sept. 2011 | Page 16

Business Trends

16 - TCnbc Magazine


Is it possible to blame the Internet and Google for the 'free vortex' that we now find ourselves in or did we bring this on ourselves?

The Internet opened up free information to the world but Google allowed us the vehicle to source it, bringing us free services and tools and now everyone expects everything for free - or so it would seem!

Free is fine if it is a true gift, however if everyone expects - no, DEMANDS everything for free, what will become of our National economy? It is common sense that if no-one is paying for what they get, money will not be earned and if this is the case, rents won't be paid and neither will salaries.

Is this what America wants or is it just a select few who demand to be paid but don't want to pay?

With people walking away from their mortgages - some because they couldn't pay and others because they simply didn't WANT to pay, consumers now have a whole new standard to live by. It doesn't stop at property - what about the patient whose life was saved, but either can't or won't pay the doctors or hospital, forcing medical practitioners, clinics and other suppliers to write off large debts.

There are those who go looking for bargains and those who willfully prey on the unfortunate circumstances of others to 'score' and some professional 'bargain hunters' are scoring BIG! These are people who refuse to pay market value for anything, preferring to ask for discounts or lower prices.

There is nothing wrong with the barter system or bargaining for lower prices but where did we get this idea from? Eastern cultures, and consider what their economies are like now!

This country became great because its people worked hard and were given fair payment for services and products. The more we expect to get for nothing, the less we will have and the entire country will grind to a halt.

Consider, if you will, what happens when a car stalls on a 6-lane freeway? It only takes one vehicle to bring the freeway to a halt and the same thing will happen to what's left of our economy if we continue to take without paying.

Before you ask for a lower price or accept something for nothing, ask yourself if you will enjoy living in a cave and eating goat meat, because if we don't change our ways soon, that is where we are headed.

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