Travis AFB Sustainability Study Report Final Sustainability Study Report | Page 85

Issue / Strategy ID
Military Compatibility Area ( MCA )
Issue / Strategy
Solano County
Solano County ALUC
Infrastructure growth outside southwest edge of Travis AFB Suisun City ’ s General Plan shows a new interchange for an industrial park along Highway 12 , within the city ’ s Special Planning Influence . This will also require infrastructure extensions to serve the area .
IE‐1A Composite Continue to monitor development or increase in usage of Highway 12 MCA Travis AFB should continue to work with the Solano County Transportation
Authority ( STA ) and Caltrans to monitor increases in usage of Highway 12 and identify any proposed development or land transactions in the area south of Travis AFB that are within the accident potential zones . Other Partners : Solano Transportation Authority , California Department of Transportation
Composite Encourage compatible land development
MCA Suisun City and Travis AFB should work with the Solano Economic Development Corporation to promote and encourage economic development along Highway 12 that is compatible with Travis AFB operations . Other Primary Partner : Solano Economic Development Corporation
Composite Design of lighting
MCA All lighting at both ends of the Travis AFB runways should be shielded and designed to avoid upward lighting ( direct or indirect ) and glare . Lighting shall also be designed to exceed the vertical clearances needed for safe aircraft operations .
Short‐term • •
Travis AFB Sustainability Study Report