Travis AFB Sustainability Study Report Final Executive Summary | Page 4

Key Recommendations Applicable to the Travis AFB MCAs
The following is an overview of some of the key TSS recommendations that are applicable within the Travis AFB Military Compatibility Areas .


Communication and Coordination
• Consider creation of a TSS Coordination Committee to maintain efficient and effective coordination among the TSS Partners , oversee the implementation of TSS recommendations , and enhance long-term coordination on military compatibility issues .
• Develop a GIS clearinghouse to share non-sensitive GIS data , e . g ., military footprints , existing land use , zoning , and other pertinent GIS data , to promote enhanced , long-range , and coordinated compatibility planning .
• Develop a brief reference guide providing information about the various agencies in the TSS Study Area with their respective responsibilities .
• Travis AFB should conduct , on a bi-annual basis , a Good Neighbor Program where they invite all adjacent property owners to a Travis AFB Neighbor Town Hall meeting whereby the Air Force informs the neighbors of any upcoming mission changes or operations and maintenance events that may have an impact on the neighbors and whereby the adjacent property owners can provide the Air Force with any concerns or questions they may have .
• Travis AFB should work with the TSS Partner jurisdictions to utilize and enhance Public-Public and Public-Private partnership mechanisms .
• Information determined appropriate should be made available on Travis AFB ’ s website and through other jurisdictions ’ public service announcement and media outlets .
Land / Air / Sea Space Competition
• Travis AFB should document impacts to flight missions , including any constraints resulting from general aviation , and submit to the Federal Aviation Administration for consideration and possible remedies .
• Travis AFB should assess its current procedures and work with the FAA to identify any issues with the current procedures . If any issues are identified , Travis AFB should work with the FAA to develop solutions .
Land Use
• The TSS Partner jurisdictions should continue to update their zoning map and zoning regulations as needed to be consistent with any changes or updates that may have occurred to the future land use plan / general plan
• Travis AFB and the TSS Partners should look into the potential for utilizing Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration ( REPI ) funding to purchase land or easements around the Base .
Roadway Capacity
• Travis AFB should continue to work with the City of Fairfield and Solano County to add and maintain signage along main roads , such as Air Base Parkway , directing commercial traffic toward the south gate .
• The City of Fairfield should lead the efforts for the planned North Gate improvements planned by the Solano Transportation Authority .
• Travis AFB should continue to promote park-and-ride and carpool programs to reduce the number of vehicles entering through the gates during heavy traffic periods .
• Travis AFB should work with the City of Fairfield to reduce congestion utilizing alternative transportation efforts , such as public transit , biking , or walking .
This study was prepared under contract with the County of Solano , with financial support from the Office of Economic Adjustment , Department of Defense . The content reflects the views of the County of Solano and the jurisdictions , agencies and organizations participating in the TSS program , and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Economic Adjustment .
To obtain a copy of the documents or for additional information contact :
Jim Leland Principal Planner Solano County Department of Resource Management
675 Texas Street Fairfield , CA 94533 Phone : 707-784-6765 jhleland @ solanocounty . com