Travis AFB Sustainability Study Report Final Executive Summary | Page 2

Travis AFB Military Compatibility Areas A key recommendation to guide compatibility planning is consideration of Travis AFB Military Compatibility Areas (MCAs). The five MCAs discussed in the TSS are: „ „ Safety MCA „ „ Noise MCA „ „ Bird / Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) MCA „ „ Imaginary Surfaces MCA „ „ Land MCA The recommended strategies within the Travis AFB MCAs are designed to accomplish the following objectives: 1 Promote an orderly transition between community and military land uses so that land uses remain compatible The MCAs define the geographic areas where specific TSS issues were identified and where recommendations should be applied. This technique ensures the recommendations are applied to the appropriate geographic areas, and that locations deemed not subject to a specific compatibility issue are not adversely impacted by the actions proposed. 2 Maintain operational capabilities of Travis AFB 3 Promote an awareness of the size and scope of military training areas to protect areas outside Travis AFB (e.g., critical air space) used for training purposes The geographic boundaries of the Travis AFB MCAs are illustrated above. 4 Inform the local community of compatibility recommendations within the designated areas that are part of this TSS 5 Protect public health, safety, and welfare 2