Travis AFB Sustainability Study Report Final Background Report | Page 220

Table 5.18‐1 . Recommended Land Uses under Aircraft Noise Contours ( continued ) 6 . Buildings are not permitted . 7 . Land use is compatible provided special sound reinforcement systems are installed . 8 . Residential buildings require an NLR of 25 dB . 9 . Residential buildings require an NLR of 30 dB . 10 . Residential buildings are not permitted .
11 . Land use that involves outdoor activities is not recommended , but if the community allows such activities , hearing protection devices sources are present . Long‐term exposure ( multiple hours per day over many years ) to high noise levels can cause hearing loss in some unp
The LUCP establishes 2015 Maximum Mission CNEL Contours , similar to the AICUZ noise contours , but instead of modeling current mission operations , the LUCP contains a maximum noise impact from current and future annual operations based on potential future activity levels . However , because the LUCP noise contours represent a maximum mission instead of the current mission average , they cover a larger area than the AICUZ noise contours . The LUCP also includes a 60 dB noise contour and the AICUZ noise contour only go to 65 dB contours . Due to the limitations of the AICUZ recommendations , only the 65 dB noise contours and over are evaluated in the TSS . Above CNEL 65 dB , the LUCP prohibits new residential uses . The LUCP also establishes compatibility criteria for noise for nonresidential uses , outlined in Table 5.18‐2 .
In addition to the compatibility criteria established for the noise contours , compatibility criteria for noise are also established for each Compatibility Zone in the LUCP . Compatibility Zone C encompasses locations exposed to potential noise in excess of approximately 60 dB along with areas occasionally affected by low‐altitude aircraft overflights . One of the objectives of the LUCP is to minimize new residential development within areas impacted by noise from Travis AFB . The ALUC assesses whether proposed land use development near Travis AFB is compatible with the noise impacts of aircraft activity following the standards established in LUCP . The zones prohibit certain noise sensitive uses and require different levels of
noise level reduction ( NLR ) to be incorporated i buildings near Travis AFB . Table 5.18‐3 outlines criteria related to noise .
Overall , the LUCP noise compatibility criteria ar restrictive than the AICUZ land use compatibilit cover a larger area than the noise zones establi include the Travis AFB traffic pattern and areas overflight . However , the LUCP does not list all t uses , using a more generalized list of land uses
Communication is another important tool utiliz noise complaints . A lack of notification of uniqu activities can lead to increased noise complaint not announce when to anticipate unusual noise
Given the operations conducted and the undev higher noise zones , noise complaints are minim
It is important to note that the Travis AFB LUCP Mission CNEL Contours to protect the military m potential increased missions at Travis AFB in the the noise contours that were used for the TSS a noise zone was not assessed because the AICUZ recommendations for that zone .
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