Travis AFB Sustainability Study Report Final Background Report | Seite 21

What is the Travis AFB Sustainability Study ?................................... 1‐2
Why Prepare the Travis AFB Sustainability Study ?.......................... 1‐3
Local Communities Working Together ............................................ 1‐5
Public and Stakeholder Outreach .................................................... 1‐6
TSS Study Area ............................................................................... 1‐11
TSS Organization ............................................................................ 1‐11
Military installations are critical to local econ thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in ec revenue annually . In the past , incompatible d factor in the loss of training operations and r mission‐critical components . To protect the m installations and the health of the local econo way they interact must be addressed through planning between installations and local juris agencies . This Travis Air Force Base Sustaina the current state of Base / Community interac roadmap for proactive engagement in identif surrounding communities continue to evolve .
There are several jurisdictions around Travis participated in this TSS effort : Solano County Suisun City , Vacaville , and Vallejo . These ent collaboration and cooperation with Travis AF past efforts to ensure the long‐term viability symbiotic benefits of Base / County collabora
TSS Background Report