Travis AFB Sustainability Study Report Final Background Report | 页面 173

Infrastructure Extensions ( IE )
Infrastructure refers to public facilities and services such as sewers , water , electric , and roadways that are required to support development ( existing and proposed ).
Public facilities and services should be appropriate for the type of urban or rural development they serve , but also limited to the existing and planned needs and requirements of the area . For example , the provision of a safe transportation system , including all modes of transportation ( automobile , mass transit , railway , highway , bicycle , pedestrian , air , etc .), is an important infrastructure component . Adequate transportation infrastructure contributes to local , regional , and state accessibility .
Infrastructure plays an important role in land use compatibility . Infrastructure can enhance the operations of an installation and community by providing needed services . Conversely , infrastructure can create encroachment issues if expanded without consideration of the consequences of future development . The extension or expansion of community infrastructure to areas proximate to an installation has the potential to induce growth , potentially resulting in incompatible uses and conflicts between a military mission and communities . Within general planning , infrastructure extensions can serve as a mechanism to guide development into appropriate areas , protect sensitive land uses , and improve opportunities for compatibility between community land uses and military missions .
Key Terms
Infrastructure . In a broad sense , the word infrastructure in this section refers to public facilities and services such as sewer , water , electric , and roadways that are required to support development ( existing and future ).
Infrastructure growth outsi Travis AFB Suisun City ’ s General Plan sho an industrial park along Highw Special Planning Area in its Sp also require infrastructure ex
Compatibility Assessment
The 2035 City of Suisun City General Plan includ interchange along Highway 12 , within the city ’ s Sphere of Influence , illustrated on Figure 5.12‐1 this route could potentially attract new growth further east of Suisun City , south of Travis AFB . interchange are expected to be solidified after 2 potential interchange is located within APZ I , AP LUCP Compatibility Zones B1 , B2 , and C ( see Iss on Compatibility Zones B1 and B2 , and Issue NO Compatibility Zone C ).
Suisun City has received an application for an in of Highway 12 , east of Walters Road , and south future industrial use would require the extensio area , which could accommodate future growth anticipated on vacant land north of Peterson Ro Irving H . Lambrecht Sports Complex . The area s and Highway 12 are located within Compatibilit Issue LAS‐2 for more information on Compatibi
Improvements being made to Walters Road , inc median and traffic signal improvements , and th Parkway , may attract future development .
TSS Background Report