Travis AFB Sustainability Study Report Final Background Report | Page 116

The following goals , actions , and policies were found to help Travis AFB :
Goal LU‐27 : Ensure that development near the Nut Tree Airport and Travis Air Force Base is compatible with airport uses and conforms to safety requirements .
Policy LU‐P27.3 : Ensure that land uses in the vicinity of Nut Tree Airport , or potentially affected by Travis Air Force Base , are compatible with airport operations and are consistent with the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans for both airports .
Policy LU‐P27.5 : Continue to refer development proposals within the Nut Tree Airport and Travis Air Force Base Compatibility Districts to the Solano County Airport Land Use Commission .
Policy LU‐P27.7 : Notwithstanding other provisions of the General Plan , land use changes and development approvals within the Vacaville Planning Area shall be consistent with the Nut Tree Airport and Travis Air Force Base Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans ( ALUCP ).
Action LU‐A27.1 : Continue to implement the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans for the Nut Tree Airport and Travis Air Force Base through the Land Use and Development Code .
Goal COS‐15 : Coordinate with the Travis Air Force Base on planning issues within its Area of Influence .
Policy COS‐P15.1 : Consult Travis Air Force Base officials for review and comment on proposed development projects , General Plan changes , zoning changes , policy and specific plans , and other comprehensive plans that have the potential for significant impacts within the Base ’ s Area of Influence .
Policy COS‐P15.2 : Consider the needs of T for new and expanded infrastructure , as w maintenance needs for those infrastructu the Base ’ s Area of Influence .
The Vacaville General Plan also addresses the n The city uses the more restrictive 60 dB CNEL co CNEL recommended by the Air Force , limiting re compatibility . The following policy and action is that addresses noise :
Policy NOI‐P1.4 : Prohibit new residential exterior noise associated with aircraft ope Airport or Travis Air Force Base exceeds 6
Action NOI‐A3.1 : Update aircraft noise pr operations at the Nut Tree Airport and Tr are projected to change .
The previous 2008 General Plan established a 2 boundary . Land beyond the growth boundary c city and can only be designated public parks , op hillside agriculture until March 2028 . Additiona of the boundary can only be amended by the vo boundary helps control the city ’ s growth and pr development north of Travis AFB .
These actions , goals , and policies for the city ’ s f compatibility tools .
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