Travesías didácticas Nº 30 • Abril 2019 | Page 67

inclusiva en América Latina. Algunos casos de buenas prácticas, Santiago de Chile, CEPAL y Naciones Unidas. • Tafet G. (2008) Psiconeurobiología de la resiliencia. Acta Psiquiátrica Psicología de América Latina 2008;54(2):1-11. • Tamayo Sáez, M. (1997) El análisis de las políticas públicas. En Bañon, R. y E. Carrillo (comps.) La nueva administración pública, Madrid, Alianza Universidad. • Tol, W., Song, S., y Jordans, M. (2013). Resilience in children and adolescents living in areas of armed conflict: A systematic review of findings in low- and middle-income countries. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54,445–460. • Thomas, H (2010) Learning spaces, learning environments and the displacement of learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(3) pp. 502–511. • Ungar, M., Ghazinour, M., y Richter, J. (2013). What is resilience within the ecology of human development? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54, 348–366. • Vanistendael, S. (2001) La resiliencia en lo cotidiano. En: Manciaux, M. (comp.) La resiliencia: resistir y rehacerse. Madrid: Gedisa. • Ward C, Martin E, Theron C, Distiller G. (2007) Factors affecting resilience in children exposed to violence. South African J Psychol 2007;37:165-87. • Werner E. E. Resilience in development. Curr Direct Psychol Sci 1995;4:82-85. • Yousafzai, A., Rasheed, M., y Bhutta, Z. (2013). Annual Research Review: Improved nutrition - a pathway to resilience. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54, 367–377 65