Transforming Today's World Magazine Volume 3 Issue 6 | Page 11

Stand Up. Fight Back Uh, Oh. I think we have all seriously failed. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (there’s God again) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Wow, that’s a mouthful! If you wonder where our power comes from, refer back to Webster, and God’s Word. If God created man in His own image, we seem to have been working overtime in rebellion! People, come on! We need to go back to basics. Draw a line down the center of the page, and decide if you are in or you’re out. There is no “gray” in truth. A lie is a lie, and the truth is the truth. Either you believe in Gods’ creation, or you don’t. STAND UP AMERICA! LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! It is NOT too late to take back our country, to take back our children, to take back our common sense: to take back our dignity. Money and narcissism are NOT God. And truth is NOT comfortable. If you think it should be, consider Jesus, and what He went through. Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to The Father except through me.” That is the unanimous “Declaration” of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. That is where all power comes from. That is where all creation comes from, and that is ... ABSOLUTE. That is the line down the center of the page. Take your eyes off yourself, and focus them on Jesus. He is the answer, NOT the problem. If you are feeling a lot of fear, faith is not residing in your soul. If you think there will be no country, no electricity, no food, no money, no government, no jobs, and no security, then you are allowing fear to become your God. And the opposite of fear is faith. Not faith in yourself, or other im-perfect people, but faith in The Living God, who came to earth in the flesh, who left His Holy Spirit to “remind us of everything He has ever said.” The answer is here, NOW ... in this instant, in this second. Take your eyes, and focus them on the “answer.” The answer always will give us the power, the grace, and the peace to forge on. His power will help us survive, and be victorious: no matter WHAT conditions, we are faced with. A simple change in your thinking, can change your world. Don’t waste another minute. Make a decision to go back to basicsback to the very foundation this country was founded upon. You do have power-you just may not be able to see it. But it is there. Embrace it with an obedient heart. Study, read, and pray. Know that, with God on your side, you will be victorious, no matter what your “circumstances” may be saying, draw a line down the center of the page, and decide-once and for all-where true and noble power lives. Stand up! STAND UP, AMERICA....... LET THE TRUTH BE HEARD. 11