Transforming Today's World Magazine Volume 3 Issue 4 | Page 62

Nike sneakers, give them the best of everything—the best that money can buy. Think about it. As subtle as it is, the majority of our focus is on gathering as much money as we can. We believe this is the prudent way to live: a rational, intelligent way to provide us with a sense of security. We are finding out the hard way, it is apparently a false security. But what if there wasn’t any money? Then what? What if we discovered EVERTHING we thought was prudent and intelligent was worth nothing? Then what would we do? Die? Some actually do. Consider this: if there was no money, where would our worth come from? Would we still be looking to our government to solve our problems, or would we be taking responsibility for our own lives? An American Christmas: 2008 Why does money make people crazy? If we have too little we are crazy with fear. If we have too much we tend to lean toward excess and greed. If we have just enough we spend our days worrying about not having enough—not getting that new car—not having that great big house—not having enough money to send our kids to the best college. Well, what if life is NOT about money? America is supposed to be the land of opportunity. But you can look at the meaning of opportunity in two ways. Webster defines opportunity as a “favorable time.” Hmm…I guess that could mean a lot of things: a favorable time to love, a favorable time to give, a favorable time to make money, a favorable time to learn, a favorable time to make decisions, a favorable time to focus on what is truly important. Well hold on to your hats, this is my favorable time to offer a word of clarification. America was created and built on Christian values—not money. Somewhere along the way, we have subtlety acquiesced into the pit of misunderstanding. America has abused the term “the land of opportunity” to get as much money as we can. We invest in the stock market hoping to get rich. We invest in our retirement fund to feel secure, to make sure we have enough money when we are old. We save our money in the bank for “a rainy day.” We feel we HAVE to send our children to the best college, buy them the $100.00 62 Hey, here’s an idea. Remember the people who started this country? Wow, they didn’t have any electricity, or running water, or fancy cars. They took care of themselves and each other. They had the gift of time: time to think, time to help, time to work, time to harvest, time to love. Wow...they didn’t even HAVE a stock market: HOW did they survive?! Well, they just did. They looked to “The Lord Jesus Christ” (yes, that’s a quote) for a diagram in faith, a road map in how to live, and the foundation on how to run our country. They knew because they believed. They knew what it would take to create a land of freedom and integrity. They had no time to be afraid of losing their money, because they HAD no money! Yet this great country was formed under horrendous circumstances of hardship and pain. But these people had their eyes on Jesus and the value of their families and each other. Having nothing was a way of life: having everything was reality. You may be thinking everything is relative. We need money, lots Woman TEXAS FREDERICKSBURG