Transforming Today's World Magazine - JAN 2014 Special Edition Vol 5 Issue 3 | Page 35

Raised a deeply religious man, he stepped away from God as he stepped into physics... In the end, the greatest scientist and physicist of all time, Albert Einstein, acquiesced his brilliance and understanding to God. Even creating the brilliant and unsurpassed “Theory of Relativity”, Einstein gave God the credit. In his own indomitable style, he understood the relationship between creation and science. Raised a deeply religious man, he stepped away from God as he stepped into physics - only to return to the reality that he “knew God and knew God existed”. Einstein had an intrinsic connection to the process of how God worked through man and science. Somehow his perception led him to the understanding they might be one in the same: “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He rules imperially”. Somehow Einstein understood the invisible connection between God and man, faith and science. Einstein was a passionate man powered by the love of his wife and devastated by the loss of his son to Schizophrenia. Imagine this brilliant physicist having to witness his son institutionalized for life. He had to watch, in disbelief, as all of his scientific knowledge experienced being powerless. Einstein was unable to do a single thing for his son - except the shedding of many tears in frustration and grief. Even the brilliance of Einstein could not change the “science” of an unseen destroyer of the mind and spirit. But he continued on, powered his by his scientific theories as they became a piece of historical prominence that literally changed the world of science and psychics forever. I wonder what Einstein would have deduced from the concept that the totality of one small tear contained all of the emotions, spirit, mind and science of man. Somehow I think he would have seen the mystery of God contained in the tears he cried for his son. Even Webster had a hard time defining certain words like “love” and “spirit”. Sometimes we have to trust what we cannot see or feel. That is where “relationship” begins and doubt goes out the door. “I want to know God’s thoughts; the rest are details”. (Albert Einstein) 33