interview Insects Theory Rather allergic to photos but not to symbolic images, the Insects The- ory released the ep Selftitled, from Nick Cave to trip hop and back. Can you tell your path up to “Selftitled”? Selftitled is a selection of songs from our repertoire that at the time of writing the ep came together better in our musical imagery. Ini- tially we were planning to do a full full-length but then we chose to do this “experiment”. Condense the almost four years of project activi- ty in five songs. There is an aura of melancholy in your ep. Where did you come from and with which moods did you tackle the work? The melancholy and the continuo- us presence of something nega- tive is a very present element for 24 us. This does not mean that we want to stop at the first obstacle or be discouraged. For us, digging into the human being to touch the abyss is normal. It is the only way we can truly know ourselves as human beings. Giovanni: I am very happy that people are aware of this peculiarity of our music, it makes me understand that I can transmit what I feel inside of me. The fun- ny thing is that although the music is not in a mood so reassuring and peaceful, we always play very quiet- ly, we take our spaces and our ti- mes, in order to better process our songs. I would like to know something about the birth of “4”... “4” is a metaphorical song of failu- res in life. “4” symbolizes the four- th place on the podium, that is, not even in the ranking. The feeling of discomfort that is felt on some occasions is common but we must not let ourselves be discouraged and continue to fight for our own goals. It was chosen as a single be- cause we liked its soft sound coupled with such a heavy meaning. What does the cover factory represent? The cover and the graphics of the cd were made by me (Giovanni); I have an attraction towards what is post-industrial or post-human in general. The factory is a visual me- taphor of the world, where men are assembled, forged to fulfill their destiny. “Selftitled” can be an anticipa- tion of a future lp, or you will your work only on short records for now? We have a full-lenght already writ- ten but we prefer to concentrate for now on the drafting of a fur- ther ep that will talk about fear in its most disparate forms. We also have in mind a piano and voice cd only, and in time we will see what we decide to put first. 25