interview name would fit the scansion of the song. Like… I wanted to use David Lean , the film producer, but it was difficult to make him fit… Ditto, for John Lennon… McCartney has three syllables. So… sorry to be so banal. I think that “Kenny” is the one that will make XTC fans feel most nostalgic. Can you tell me something about the original idea that inspired you to write this song? It came about from the guitar riff. I thought it sounded very much like the motion of a train… and 10 then I got to thinking about Philip Larkin’s poem, The Whitsun weddin- gs, and how he describes what he sees from the window of a train… “somebody coming up to bowl”, like cricket on a playing field. And there the idea was born… one sees the playing fields from a train…. and then I thought of how they are disappearing… being built on, all over England… Big shame... as this is where kids imaginations are nurtured. “Comrades in Pop” sounds like a warning for young musicians. What is the main danger they could face in the music business these days? That People who seem to be on your side aren’t necessarily… I thought it would be a good idea to past the baton on to the young guys coming into the industry by encapsulating in a short poem what happens when you are in a pop band... Usually when people hear the word poem in pop they run for the exit doors… I wanted to make it real easy to get into…Just a simple explanation that all these things are probably going to hap- pen to you, but what you mustn’t do is get tangled up with the mo- ney men. How and what would the Co- lin Moulding of 80s and 90s written his songs about in this wave of new ‘political correct- ness’ of late? I don’t know… he would have clammed up like everyone else I suppose. Your Wikipedia page ends with something like: “Though less prolific than his bandmate Andy Partrid- ge…” Is this even real, any- more? Has this issue of being less prolific ever bothered you in any way? Not really …we are what we are….and I write what I write…. and everyone knows that the in- ternet is the biggest morass of mi- sinformation there’s ever been…. But at least the little man can make his opinions known too. I’m still writing so perhaps I’m not as non prolific as people had thought.