Training Magazine Europe April 2015 | Page 39

A Day In The Life Of...

program, that’s why I love what I get to do as CEO.

How Do You Spend Your Day's Off When You Are Not The CEO of Biz-Group?

If i'm in Dubai then on a sailing boat out on the water, which I enjoy. If I am outside of Dubai, my ideal scenario would be travelling on Safari, we have a beautiful place on the beach down in South Africa.

Even though I’m in the role of CEO, I thoroughly enjoy travelling and seeing new markets and meeting new businesses in new industries. My nickname is ‘What’s Next?’, as I’m always looking to find 'what’s next' in this industry. That may still be work, but I consider it 'playtime’.

What Advice Would You Give Our Readers For Training Success In The Middle East?

Great question. I think first of all train and develop people in a subject you are passionate about, that way it never feels like work.

The second thing, is to work extraordinarily hard as it’s an unforgiving industry, everyday is a new day and you need to be on your game, that is why passion helps.

We are spending a lot of time right now on return on investment and proving business impact. If you can find a subject that you are really passionate about and makes a difference in organizations, then you can do that day in day out .

Start proving those cases to clients and that will make you successful.

For us, our success and results got us ranked No.16 in the Dubai SME 100 list.

How Can Our Readers Find Out More About You And Biz-Group?

Just go to and I suggest you get a sense of our culture by watching the biz happy video on youtube.

Take Us Through A Typical Day?

The night before usually I'm looking at what I call my hardline of the next day and what has to happen that day. I don't give a lot of static as I need to see quickly at what I can navigate around which is what a lot of GTD is about.

It's easy for me to make judgement calls about what to do and what not to do. Then during the day I do pretty much what I feel like doing. Once a week I spend two hours doing a weekly review which let's me back off and review all of my systems including my external brain, to keep it alive and well.

Once I ihave done this, I can trust my in my judgements during the week when I don't have time to think. This back off reflective process is one of the most needed behaviors for executives or any professionals. It is the one skill that provides the most power and the most clarity, but it will not develop by itself.

How Can Our Readers Find Out About You?

My site has lots of resources on it. In the Arabian peninsula we have exclusive franchisee partners who represent us in implementing our GTD training within companies. Our partners include BrainQuill in Egypt nd also Right Selection in Dubai, a fabulous agency that's working with me in bringing this message forward.