Traffic Magazine For Men Spring 2014 | Page 22

stamina the strength to survive by Adrianne Mickens ”I never gave up on being the BEST at whatever I tried to do, or be. I had to overcome family issues, homelessness, my environment, and my own personal decisions, but I NEVER STOPPED BELIEVING IN MYSELF! “ We recently had an inspiring conversation with Derek L. Anderson about his new book and future ventures. His many accomplishments include being a NCAA, Olympic & NBA champion. He won the 1996 NCAA Championship with the University of Kentucky and the 2006 NBA Championship with the Miami Heat. DA retired after 11 years in the NBA and is successfully running several businesses. As an entrepreneur and motivational speaker, he is an advocate for empowering young men in the Black community. M r. Anderson published his riveting autobiography last year entitled, “STAMINA: Don’t Run Out of Breath Before You Win.” In this book we learn about a man who overcame being homeless and abandoned by his mother at the age of eleven. During the three months it took him to write his book, Anderson admitted that revisiting these events in his life brought back the anger, frustration and sadness he once felt as a child. What I found even more compelling was his story of forgiveness and perseverance. He discussed with me his three biggest life accomplishments: graduating from high school, finding his parents and forgiving the both of them & giving his life to God. Beginning at the age of eleven, from day to day Anderson did not know whether he had a place to sleep or food to eat. He 22 TrafficMagazine/ Spring, 2014 was left to do his homework by candlelight and find odd jobs to buy