TRACES Spring 2013 | Page 90

What A Novel Idea

To Bid You Farewell

A Novel Excerpt

Timothy Legenzoff

For the progression of life, and all that will develop, this novel serves as a warning to the future of man. History can not be forgotten. Continue to forge the lives of those who scribe, to document the world and that which transpires. Refer to these notes early, but not late, and look upon the future with hope and dignity. There is one earth, inhabited by one breed of man. Do not falter.

Be wise.


A Novel Excerpt

Jessica Frichtel

November 8, 1929 started out as a pleasant morning downtown in Manhattan, New York. Manhattan looked so elegant in the beginning of winter. The trees were frosted with powdered snow, blowing throughout the streets. I fastened my beryl blue hat over my ruffled auburn curls as my hair cascaded down my back, providing an extra layer of protection from the ferocious wind. My brunet drop waist dress fluttered underneath my new raccoon coat that daddy had gotten me for my birthday. I made my dissent towards school; like a daddy’s girl should, only to just miss the girls beat each other's gums with the latest gossip resurfacing this dull place.

A Kisses Stain

A Novel Excerpt

Madison Foltz

Lacey was at a dark place in her life. She was in love with the boy that planted his sperm inside her pure body. When she wakes up nothing is familiar except for a few choice people, and things that her mother informs her of. If only she could remember the person texting her. Lacey runs into two different relationships. One is from the devil; filled with fear and secrets. The other is a fantasy of perfection. Were either of them good enough? Did they meet the father figure status? She meets a long time friend who has a connection into her life; that connection being the devilish boy Lacey began to fall for. Her new friend helps her through the tough times as they get worse and worse.