TRACES Spring 2013 | Page 51

and experience, and what you perceive and experience is your choice alone. How has music developed you, the one you see standing in the mirror in front of you.

It has been said that no parent should have to bury a child; while I agree with this statement, I also feel that no child should have to bury a parent,

“A simple child that lightly draws its breath and feels its life in every limb. What should it know of death?” - William Wordsworth

Parents try so desperately to protect and shelter their children from the creepy neighbors across the street, Earth’s worst sinners, cruelty beyond description,

Why is it that children cannot be saved from the tragedy of death; why is it so easy for anguish to spread like pollen through a field?

What is the appropriate age to accept death; what amount of “life” does one have to experience before “loss” becomes tolerable?

I do not believe there is a measurement that must be surpassed before death is allowed -- it simply comes when it pleases,

For some, including myself, it’s early and often, but for others, it comes later and sparingly, luckily or unluckily.

Similar to when death arrives, is how death is handled, unpredictably, mournful with tears, cold with no emotion,

In the search for a culprit of heinous crime, there is an acceptable way to deal with circumstances such as death.


By: Anonymous

Thank you to all that contributed!