TRACES Spring 2013 | Page 49

Have you ever awoke one morning to find yourself staring in the mirror, reflecting on your actions of the previous day, or pondering how or what drove you to act in such a way? For each step we take to every word we release, there exists a reason as to why we did so. As a young one, your experiences helped in shaping the person you see in the mirror today. Music, the art of the soul, has a substantial impact on the velocious growth and development of young ones. Exorbitant variations of interpretations and styles of this art are powerful in directing the child’s Perception, Actions, and Personality they will have as cultivated adults.

Through the years, ages, and millenniums, music culture has evolved. It has been in existence since the beginning of humanity, flowing through the minds and souls of cultures spread all over the world. Its purpose has remained the same for every year, to affect the growth of those involved. Nearly everywhere you turn to, music has had an impact. This art leaves its mark in all people, and its effect is inescapable. The music we hear has ultimately changed who we are, and what makes us do what we do.

As one grows, they are exposed to information daily. This information ranges from all over, affecting their overall Perception. Perception is the key to knowledge and outlook; your perspective on people and life. Knowledge is siphoned every day, every hour, and every minute. All of this known material can be absorbed through a number of ways, one of these being music. According to two studies from Universities in Honk Kong and Ontario, having partaken in any form of musical lessons or any musical activity can boost one’s overall IQ.

this known material can be absorbed through a number of ways, one of these being music. According to two studies from Universities in Honk Kong and Ontario, having partaken in any form of musical lessons or any musical activity can boost one’s overall IQ. It has greatly shown improvements to Mathematics as well (Seiff). Even when music experience is amiss, just listening to music can result in upgraded academic performance. High school results on IQ tests have shown that listening to the genre heavy metal can affect your overall IQ. Students that listened to this genre of music did exceptionally well in the abstract thinking section of the test (Copley). Heavy metal music has also had its effects on older adults to young adults. Research on undergraduates has determined that content in certain types of heavy metal songs containing sexually violent lyrics or meanings has caused them to have “negative perceptions of women” (Copley). In this same regard, it has been known to cause fans of the genre to become “more inclined to be reckless sensation seekers who take risks” (Copley). Besides just having these harmful effects, however, positive effects have been recognized. Music in the lives of children and adults can provide motivation to keep them on track to put much time into their academic work, and other activities.

We live in a society where our actions personify the representation we create therein. Our actions, whether they are positive or otherwise negative, impact the very persona we unmask and live for all our lives.

Aria of the Soul

By: Tim Legenzoff