TRACES Spring 2013 | Page 39

being on their land. No reason at all for ending the animals lives, its just awful. However, there are few populations that are spiraling out of control and the numbers need to decrease. This is when hunting seasons come in. They can prove to be very helpful when it comes to keeping the ecosystem in line. When a population however, is over hunted a species can severely suffer. Over hunting is the result of many endangered species.

Humans can be selfish creatures. They only look upon other humans and see compassion, many can not even look at an animal and see a glimpse of a living being. Many people can not even see the fact that dependence on humans and animals works both ways. Balance is the key thing to have in order to live peacefully on Earth. When balance is disturbed and played with, order falls apart. Though, order falls apart slowly it will eventually completely collapse and that is when humans have a problem. As living beings we should learn to treat the rest of God’s living beings with respect, and give them a fair chance of success and help the balance stay in order here on Earth.

Animal Cruelty: Hunting

By: Val Calhoun

Martin Luther King Jr., a man that most of us know as a strong equal rights activist stated this over forty years ago, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Even though his ideas were focusing on people, animals are commonly brought up among this topic as well. Hunting is a form of animal cruelty in our society that holds an issue needed to be addressed to the public.

Hunting is a common term that we have all probably heard about. In the past, it was a practice used to obtain food needed for humans to survive, but now our society’s ways have changed. Some hunters are now doing it in order to “limit population size.” Overcrowding of animals is a big deal in our society, especially with humans sharing this Earth as well, but many animals are killed because they believe this could limit their population naturally. For instance, if there is an oversized population of deer, they need more food to survive. If they keep consuming more of their prey, eventually there would not be enough prey for all of the deer to live on, so naturally, the deer population would decrease overtime anyways. This does not mean it will happen overnight, but it gives us a logical way to help our population rather than harm it.