TRACES Spring 2013 | Page 38

Animals are living beings, as said by A.D. Williams, “When I look into the eyes of animal I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.” They depend on us and believe it or not we depend on them. They keep the food chain and the whole entire ecosystem in order. Without the existence of many animal species, the order in which we live will fall apart.

The first question would probably be, how would it affect us? Let’s take the Bengal Tiger for example. They are highly endangered. The tiger usually preys on deer, water buffalo, and other small mammals. Tigers are the top predators in the wild and the only predator it has are humans. Tigers help balance the population of every species it hunts. Well, if Tigers disappear then the populations of its prey will explode out of control. As the populations increase of the deer and the buffalo, their food sources will not be able to keep up with them. Slowly as the food source disappears so will the deer and water buffalo. If they do not die, they will migrate to new territories, and eventually make their way into people’s backyards and become a new sense. What other choice would people have then to kill them? Or hit them with their cars? Or even create a new hunting season? As those things occur the population will begin to decrease and they will eventually be another extinct species. As the number of species start to decrease the animals we depend on as a food supply will also begin to decline. Though this process would happen slowly, if we, as people, do not change our ways could end up with a very large problem.

The Conservation of Earth's Animals

By: Alexis Chick

will migrate to new territories, and eventually make their way into people’s backyards and become a new sense. What other choice would people have then to kill them? Or hit them with their cars? Or even create a new hunting season? As those things occur the population will begin to decrease and they will eventually be another extinct species. As the number of species start to decrease the animals we depend on as a food supply will also begin to decline. Though this process would happen slowly, if we, as people, do not change our ways could end up with a very large problem.

As human beings we look upon animals as if they are not living beings themselves. This makes many people cruel and careless when it comes to hunting and killing them. Many animals are hunted for small parts of them. For example the black Rhino is often killed for only its horn. Poachers will just take the horn and just leave the rest of the Rhino behind. This is also the same with elephants, they are only killed for their ivory tusks. Did you also know that people kill many animals only for the simple use of making perfume and deodorant? These animals are getting killed for nothing but selfish reasons, reasons that only benefit us as people. There are also times when animals are killed for no reason at all...almost as if for fun. Farmers in Africa kill cheetahs, lions, and many other animals just for being on their land. No reason at all for ending the animals lives, its just awful. However, there are few populations that are spiraling out of control and the numbers need to decrease. This is when hunting seasons come in. They can prove to be very helpful when it comes to keeping the ecosystem in line. When a population however, is over hunted a species can severely suffer. Over hunting is the result of many endangered species.