TRACES Spring 2013 | Page 28

perfect expectations, and in the end, they will never be satisfied. Perhaps the people with the most plastic influence are the celebrities we admire: the models, the movie stars, and the athletes. However, celebrities are just like us behind all the Spanx, caked on makeup, and thousand dollar outfits. Most celebrities are not perfect, and with the media, they have an enormous influence on how many of us perceive ourselves. A large amount of girls wish they had Kim Kardashian’s behind, Mila Kunis’s face, and Katy Perry’s bosom. According to a Newsweek Poll, 77% of Americans believe celebrities have too much of an influence over teenage girls, and this can be showed through their appearances. This can make a teenage girl want to fix their ‘ugly’ features such as: wide hips, big noses, small breasts, and thick thighs. However, models plastered on billboards and within magazines can have just as big as an affect as a celebrity.

Check out a mailbox, a pamphlet for Artisan Plastic Surgery might be sitting in there, addressed to an older woman, perhaps even a man. Some people may consider the offers within the pamphlet, while others who are fine with themselves, ignore it. Additionally, in every magazine, there are cosmetic products being advertised, covering up natural beauty. Women are intrigued by these products and print advertisements, and they think to themselves, ‘I need that.’ These products promise new perfection, and the plastic surgery pamphlets get women thinking about what they can fix on themselves.

There are people in this world who need plastic surgery for medical reasons and are not seeking out typical perfection. A rhinoplasty is one of the most common, which can fix breathing problems. There are some people decided to have a rhinoplasty done simply because their nose is too big and they are self conscious of it. Another procedure that is done for medical reasons such as pain in the shoulders, back, and neck is a breast reduction on women. It is not common to hear some woman getting smaller breasts to achieve perfection; most women would enlarge their breasts. In this case, bigger seems to be better to them. There are also the unfortunate victims of attacks and car crashes that receive reconstructive surgery. Katie Piper was a former British model and televisions presenter. Piper was a naturally beautiful woman, and tragically sulfuric acid was thrown on her face by an ex boyfriend’s accomplice. All of her facial skin had to be removed, and her face was rebuilt through a skin substitute and skin graft. Many car accident victims who have had damage to their face often throw the question, ‘should I get plastic surgery?’ up in the air. Ultimately it is their choice. Katie Piper and victims of car accidents are great examples on how plastic surgery can beneficial, needed, and the right thing to do to regain lost confidence from.

The influences of celebrities and media should not be the reason why self conscious individuals receive plastic surgery; there should be a medical issue behind it. There are also