Towards Tomorrow Dec. 2014 | Page 12

TOWARDS TOMORROW ! IN M E M B E R S H I P   Part of moving towards tomorrow then, is having you “introduce” yourself to us. We know your name. We probably even know where you live. But you are much more than a name and a house number. You are a divinely created wonder that God has intentionally placed in Mount Bethel Church. In completing this “Get to Know Me” survey, you and the church move that much closer to fulfilling God’s design. We recognize that describing one’s self can be uncomfortable and even intimidating, but it needn’t be either. Remember, this is about discovering who God has made you to be, and since God’s Word is true, we know that He wants to use who He’s made you to be in the place He’s called you to be.       I believe God has given me the following gifts and passions: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________     I asked the person who is closest to me in my life about my gifts and passions, and this is what he/she said: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________     I think I could be used in the life of the church in the following ways: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________     ☐ I want to be used in the life of the church but could use some help figuring out where.