Tourism Today | Page 6



Research Trek

Hello! My name is Elkin Romero Prieto. I am a 9th semester student of the BB in Tourism and Hospitality Management at Unicolombo.

It is a pleasure to share with you my experience in the program “Manos a la Paz”, which is an initiative from Post-Conflict Ministry and the United Nations Development Program in Colombia (UNDP). This program gets together 300 students from public and private universities (122 municipalities in 19 departments of Colombia) in order to contribute with their knowledge and experience.

The main purpose of this program is to propose solutions for the territory affected by the armed conflict.

Each project has a guideline and each student was assigned a specific project taking into account their occupational profile. I was selected to do my internship for 4 months at Villavicencio, Meta, supporting the project Economic Development Inclusive with the Green Business Inclusive. The purpose of this project is to improve the abilities for the victims who were affected by the colombian conflict, and give them some opportunities like generating sustainable income.

From the bottom of my heart, I always wanted to do something for my country in order to make it a better place to live. That was the reason why, when I saw the Manos a la Paz advertisement, I realized that I could achieve my goal.

For me, this had been a great experience to contribute to my personal growth and professional learning. Here, I have the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences with other students from different cities of Colombia. This cultural exchange had let me descover how wonderful Colombia is.

Working Hand in Hand for Colombia Peace!

By Elkin Romero Prieto, IX semester.