Tourism Today | Page 4

Since sexual violence is a serious public health problem, the university is concerned about this major problem for which certain campaigns have been developed throughout the last years, the latest and the most interesting has been the one developed by a student research group. This project has been called: "Pilas con los pelaos", and it is targeted at preventing commercial sexual exploitation.

This campaign has been started in order to prevent, diminish and make people aware of sexual exploitation by supporting the population of children and adolescents who are mainly the communities' most vulnerable and at risk individuals being affected by this scourge. Cartagena as a favorite tourist destination is a very attractive city for sexual trade of children and adolescents which is why this campaign seeks to neutralize exploitation and pornography. This initiative is supported by law 1336 that strengthene law 679 from 2001 to prevent sexual abuse of children and pornography.

UNICOLOMBO students have gone around the old city on order to make tourists, and local communities aware of the importance of working in favor of this project.


"Pilas con los pelaos": a successful campaign!