Tourism Today Tourism Today | Page 4



Events trek

World Tourism Day's Celebration:

A Touristic Library's event.

Students from 10th and 11th grade from the institutions: Institución Educativa de Promoción Social, Institución Educativa Bertha Gedeón de Baladí and Institución Educativa Antonia Santos, celebrated World Tourism day with Unicolombo.

The Hotel and Tourism Administration Program, led by Yasmira Mercado de Horta, was present in these schools’ facilities to talk with the students about the advantages of being a bilingual professional.

The students watched the Unicolombo institutional video and paid homage to Luis Carlos López doing a dynamic activity. The contest consisted of some strips of paper with a verse of the poem A Mi Ciudad Nativa written in each. Different groups of students had the challenge of assembling the poem. The winner was the first group that achieved it, and the prizes were: pen drives, pens and t-shirts, personalized with Unicolombo’s brand.

This visit was organized by Unicolombo’s Library and the Hotel and Tourism Administration Program. Some books and video games to learn English were donated to these three schools’ libraries and computer classrooms respectively