TOUCH vol. 8 | Page 8

TOUCH Issue 8: Massage Chairs Will Never Replace Humans When we make physical contact with one another, more than just pressureinformation is conveyed. restrictions are a n d t a i l o r i n g the massage specifically t o t h e t e n s i o n profile of your body. Not only does this mean that you get a better massage with the perfect amount of pressure, we also find greater tension release. Often the areas we feel pain in are actually not the original source of tension, so the ability of a human to follow and find the original issue isn’t replicated in massage chair technology. Human massages also provide many different forms of sensory input, where chair massage does not. When we make physical contact with one another, more than just pressure-information is conveyed. Temperature, te xtu re , c o n s is t en c y , f i r m ne ss and emotional information are all conveyed and interpreted by human contact. These factors significantly influence our internal biological response to touch, and (at least at this stage) machines cannot replicate this. As humans, we are social creatures and we need the contact of others ( b o t h p h y s i c a l a n d otherwise) in o r d e r t o thrive. Even though it might sound a little funny, the relationship you build with your massage chair will never equate to the relationship you have with your massage therapist. Even though it doesn’t talk back, or give you exercises to do at home. Does this mean we should get rid of massage chairs? No, they have their place in providing a relaxing, kneading pressure for anyone on the run. Just know that a massage by a machine will never give you the same benefits or experience as a massage by another human.  Drew.