WHEN YOU CAN’T READ JUST ONE. SUPERFAN! By Ronnie Shapiro Stoeckel When you are the ultimate superfan of independent artists worldwide, you deserve your own page. Welcome to the SUPERFAN page and the newest edition to our team, Ronnie Shapiro Stoeckel. She is going to bring you the independent music scene from the fan perspective. LAST SATURDAY night the band I manage had off, so I decided to take the opportunity to get out and check out one (or more) of the many other great bands and musicians we have here in the Lehigh Valley. I got ready, threw on a T-shirt (see the last issue of To- tal Order Indie Zine……) and jeans and sat down for a few minutes to see who was play- ing where. Before the night was over, I saw no less than 5 amazing bands…..without leaving my house……How did I do that??? Well, let me tell you. It’s this thing called Facebook Live. As I scrolled through Facebook, live video after live video after live video kept pop- ping up. And I’m not talking about one or two songs….I’m talking entire sets, even shows! So I changed back into my jammies and from the comfort of my own couch I switched back and forth between bands. I know, that’s hor- rible, right? It was, even though I did it (Okay I will hang my head in shame right now and promise to never do it again..). You’re Wondering why, in my opinion, CLICK ON ANY ONE OF OUR BACK ISSUES. bands need to not do this anymore, aren’t you? Well I’m going to tell you. If you are put- ting your entire show out there, live, for the world to see (both local and far away), what reason is there for me, or anyone else to get nal bands started out in a cover band at one off our collective couches and actually come time. Also, don’t be so quick to throw away see you? It’s hard enough these days to get those cover bands. One day they may write anyone out and about, so stop making it easy songs of their own and become an original for people to stay home! On the other hand, band. Or maybe they won’t. Just stop being people at home are watching these videos. stubborn and enjoy whatever music they play I HOPE when you find a band you really en- for you! joy, you make a mental note when watching SINCE I their live video to actually go see them next want to mention something about our music time you can. By not actually being there, scene. People have differences of opinions, you are missing a LOT. You are missing some people fight, but for the most part people love great interactions between the band and the and support each other. I had mentioned in the audience, and the band members themselves. Fyre and Ice Show chat room the other week There is nothing better than watching these how when they had Originals Night people who put a great deal of time, money, (which needs to make a comeback soon) I blood, sweat and tears into their perfor- could always go alone, and there would al- mances, get up on that stage and put on the ways be friends there. My best friends are not best show of their lives for YOU. Support “music scene” people so if I want to go see a these wonderfully talented people by actu- band I’m very limited (excluding my band, I go ally going to the shows! And buy their merch! anyway because, well, it’s my band and I love (Again, see last issue…..). them!). I have gone to many, many Originals *Side note: it doesn’t matter if the band is a nights by myself, and I always found friends to cover band or an original band. They both talk to and hang out with for the evening. work very hard, and they both will entertain I even met “Facebook friends” I never met in you. Many people get picky and say that person until that night! It was an amazing feel- cover bands suck (they don’t), and they won’t ing, being welcomed into this big, yet small, support them. I don’t know why, it’s still music community. have some time and space to kill, I isn’t it? And guaranteed most people in origi- Page 27