Sylar from queens, NY break through with polished mature release on “seasons”. With the majority of the attention of emerging artists coming from Detroit and Los Angeles it becomes increasingly difficult for a band from the Northeast to break through. A mature approach to their Linkin Park era style pays dividends on their latest release “Seasons” to be one of the most intriguing releases into 2019. With more touring planned for the new year, Queens, New York natives Sylar are about to break the east coast dry spell. Your latest release “Seasons”, has a polished feel. It that something you were trying to acheive when you started writing for the record? JAYDEN: We were definitely trying to go for that. Just as artists ourselves we just want to grow. You don’t want to write the same project twice. It doesn’t just go with music, It applies to everything. You always want to make prog- ress and that was the big thing for us. We wanted to evolve, and we did, but we are still Sylar. We just spent time, and through touring you just grow as a person and a musician as well. I think it definitely shows on the record, so thank you for bringing that up. Do you fear losing the balance be- tween coming up with a polished product and trying to come off with something street, and real? JAYDEN: really It depends, We just go in there and go with the vibe. I don’t think once we ever went into the studio or even a writing session and said, hey we need to be this specific type of band. That’s something I was very proud of with this record. Sky’s the limit! We wanted to be really happy with what we were writing and that’s what we did with this one. JAYDEN: Honestly, if anyone listens to Re- peat from 2013 and listens to Seasons now they would say Can’t they change? but we always have left bread crumbs throughout our projects. You can always tell it us, but I felt like a big change for us, even more so than Seasons right now, was on one of our first records “Help”. We added a lot more melodies and we just brought out this mas- sive feel about us which is why I think people aren’t surprised by Seasons much. I feel like Sylar fans understand it’s a Sylar record, even though it’s completely different from the one before. You cut a single of a band that is so influential to you as an artist. What was it about Linkin Park and how did you aproach it? JAYDEN: I have always said that Linkin Park is very committed. I come from Queens. I didn’t start listening to rock or metal as a kid. All I knew was Hip-Hop. It was not even a choice, that’s what was all around me. Even walking to the store with my mom to get a soda or something, all I would hear is Hip- Hop. So when I heard bands like Linkin Park, It was so new but it felt so familiar and very comfortable in my home, and then on top of that... that band said it was OK to show your feelings. That’s what really brought me the closest than any other band at that time. The fact that they were so real and they came off that they were so vulnerable, especially their lyrics. It felt like they weren’t afraid to talk about real feelings. That just struck a cord with me and really inspired me as an artist when I look back. What was your first reaction when we lost Chester? JAYDEN: I will never literally forget that day. This was the first death that wasn’t close but felt close. I almost felt like I did know Chester. That’s what I grew up with. Those Linkin Park songs are my anthems, they will forever be my anthems. I will never forget that we were playing warped tour and our bus broke down, so we were actually staying with our friends in Atilla, on their bus for the night. That day they had a signing and I’m just bored on my twitter, refreshing.. refreshing.. and there was a tweet from TMZ stat- ing the obvious. I just remember putting my head down, and even though all my band mates were around, I couldn’t even speak. I didn’t know if I could even believe it, I didn’t know what to think at that moment, I felt de- feated. Putting this band together and pursuing this dream, I always looked up to people like him and in my eyes I really thought he a had it all. He had a family he had endless amounts of success. As a band, he had that ideal thing we all dream about. When I found out about the news every- thing just crashed. It took me 5 minutes to tell the guys what happened. Continues on page 51. Sylar FB Sylar Twitter SylarWebsite Buy Sylar Music Far Left: Photo By Amanda Iglesias Top Right Photo By: Amanda Iglesias LOOKOUT ARTIST Where do you think the big- gest growth so far has been for you musically? Page 23