Torch: U.S. LXVIII Winter 2018 | Page 17





So far, things are running quite smoothly! The NJCL Fall Planning Meeting happened about a month ago now, and the committee and officers united to plan out convention, review constitutional amendments, give reports, and more. I think that FPM was really useful in orienting myself in my position and envisioning my path forward this year in office. Overall, the officers are working together well, and I’m excited to see what we’re able to achieve this year! These past few months, I’ve mostly been curating the monthly Photo of the Month contest, and trying to better interact with the national network of historians through the JCL Historians Facebook page. I've also been starting to plan out a few of my bigger projects for the year, including the scrapbook.

1. How is your term so far? What have you been doing in the past few months?

2. What's your favorite part about being historian?

After serving as a local and a state historian, it’s really interesting to see what happens on the other side. It’s crazy to be able to witness and guide the work of historians throughout the nation, whether that be through Photo of the Month or scrapbook submissions. Although I won’t see to this until the year is through, I think the payoff of my work throughout the year and the effect the national scrapbook has on JCLers after its completion will probably be my favorite part of my term in office.

I think its a mixed bag—there is definitely a sense of national responsibility and maturity we officers have to exude, but there is a lot of freedom in it that I wasn’t necessarily expecting. The idea that all the officers work individually to carry out their duties but are ultimately a team of like-minds really inspires and excites me.

As historian, I’d say my main goal is to encapsulate the 2018-2019 year into a national scrapbook which accurately and aesthetically represents this year. I hope that in my endeavors to achieve that, I am also able to assist other historians reach their personal goals.

3. Is being a national officer what you expected?

4. What's your main goal as historian?