Torch: U.S. LXVIII Summer 2019 | Page 3





And just like that, the 2019 NJCL convention lies right around the corner. It feels like it was only yesterday when my fellow officers and I were elected, and I struggled to compile content for the first issue of my term. While this is not a goodbye (my successor and I will work together on the next issue after convention), I cannot help put become a bit sentimental when reflecting on my experiences as editor of JCL on various levels. This summer issue, Issue 4, is the last publication I will make as a JCL editor.

Thus, I was arguably a little selfish in collecting content for this issue. Firstly, I decided there may be no other opportunity for me to indulge in my love of Greek/Roman mythology in such a public manner. So, you will notice that the cover story for this issue is centered around deities to whom I would like to bring well-deserved attention. Secondly, due to the immense, but expected popularity of the first meme competition in the winter issue and the amazing time I personally had scrolling through all the genius submissions, I thought it was only right to host a second round.

While considering my personal favorite content ideas, I also hoped that I could maximize your excitement for the upcoming nationals and amplify the buzz of energy JCL veterans have seen firsthand in the weeks preceding convention. Whether you are a potential candidate for office preparing campaign materials or a certamen champion training to destroy your rounds at convention — whether you are an avid spirit participant making spirit props with friends or just a convention newbie bracing yourself for the absolute best, my goal for this issue of Torch: U.S. is not only to inform you about current happenings in the JCL but also to heighten your excitement for our annual congregation in July at Fargo, North Dakota! I certainly cannot wait to see all of you soon, and I hope you all are as excited for national convention as I am. Now, please enjoy Issue 4 of Torch: U.S.!

Ab imo pectore,

Anika Park

2018-2019 NJCL Editor
