TopShelf Magazine Holiday Edition, 2017 | Page 41

revenants ~Rosemary Fifield, TopShelf Reviews plane crash once again serves as the catalyst, a plane this time carrying enough cocaine to cover an entire season of the classic Miami Vice TV show. Our (dark) heroes Zack, Steve and Curt happen upon the stash while hunting in the hinterlands of Montana—a deft touch, given they’re about to become hunted themselves by cops, killers and cartels alike. All of a sudden, the found money that’s the answer to all their problems becomes the source of far more. At its best, which is most of the time, Bond’s latest reads like a less showy and manipulative No Country for Old Men. A simple story at its heart that warps into a splendid morality tale, Snow is wrapped as tightly as a Christmas bow and just as much fun as what’s inside the box. unearthing the soldier’s life story, the girl comes to realize the significance of honoring her brother’s memory by living her own life to the fullest. This absorbing book takes the reader into the trenches of WWI as well as into the hearts and minds of the characters who have lost loved ones in Vietnam or WWI. We witness the pain experienced by siblings, the despair and heartbreak of parents, and the anguish of girlfriends and fiancés who still suffer decades later. We can only try to imagine the hell of being trapped in what remains of a body after horrifying injuries that render one unable to hear, see, walk, or communicate. At the same time, we watch the human spirit fight back, overcome, and go on. This is not a light or happy book, but it is a book well worth reading. This absorbing book takes the reader into the trenches of WWI as well as into the hearts and minds of the characters! In an Ohio hospital in Scott Kauffman 1973, an unknown veteran of World War I is secreted away in a hidden room. Meanwhile, a teen- aged candy striper working in that hospital has recently lost her brother in Viet Nam and is now making bad decisions that threaten to derail her future. When she accidentally discovers the hideously injured old soldier, she decides she will get him home to his family before he dies. No one seems to know who he is or where he comes from, except for one person who has good reason to keep him hidden. In the process of REVIEWS A BOOK WELL WORTH READING! reviews ~Jon Land, TopShelf Reviews snow A SIMPLE STORY THAT WARPS INTO A SPLENDID MORALITY TALE! Mike Bond This being the month for gritty noir, let’s turn next to Snow by Mike Bond, a book that hits many of the same notes as Scott Smith’s sterling A Simple Plan. A TOPShelf magazine HOLIDAY2017 41