Top Flight 11-2019 | Page 106

TOP FLIGHT English summary Nu mber 11 /120/ November 2019 AQUA BENIDORM W H AT ’ S N E A R : ABOUT A FIFTEEN MINUTE WALK FROM T H E PA L AC E YO U C A N FIND MUNDOMAR, A PA R K O F M A R I N E ANIMALS AND EXOTIC D e c a d e s a g o, B e n i d o r m g a i n e d f a m e a s a f a n t a s t i c re s o r t f o r p e n s i o n e r s , a n d i t i s l i ke l y t h a t v a r i e t y s h o w s w e re f i r s t p e r f o r m e d i n t h e B e n i d o r m P a l a c e c o n c e r t h a l l , b u i l t b a c k i n 1 9 7 7, i n o rd e r t o re v i t a l i z e t h e t o w n . BIRDS AND ONE OF THE LARGEST OF ITS K I N D I N S PA I N . YO U C AN ENJ OY E XCITIN G SHOWS SUCH AS THE UNIQUE DOLPHIN BALLET WITH THE PA R T I C I PAT I O N O F The idea was a success, and al- though older tourists still pre- dominate here in the low sea- son, the high season brings enough cabaret lovers to fi ll the hall with 1,000 people, and in September they celebrated the 16 millionth audience mem- ber, although this includes not only spectators of the caba- ret programs, but also concerts performed on this stage. The new Aqua show program was launched in May of this year. During the show forty perform- ers go on an adventurous cruise across the most famous water- ways on the planet — setting off from Spain (where would we be without fl amenco!), the team sails to Venice along the Grand Canal, from where it continues on to the Egyptian Nile and dis- covers the famous pyramids of Giza, and then magically cross- es the Atlantic and ends up in New York Central Park. The play is accompanied by famous hits that are also dedicated to water: Prince Rain by Prince, Singing in the Rain by Gene Kelly, Um- brella by Rihanna, It’s Raining Men by The Weather Girls and others. Popular music genres are combined with circus per- formances: Nefertiti appears as an aerial gymnast, the cap- tain of the ship arranges magic shows, and in the intervals be- tween the performances, danc- ers disguised as waiters arrange interludes in which the specta- tors at the front are personal- ly involved. The dinner+show concept operates here according to the Moulin Rouge principle: you can buy a ticket that includes both dinner and the performance, or you can limit yourself to just drinks, or you can get a balcony ticket, where there are no tables, and just watch the show. AT H L E T E S F R O M T H E S P A N I S H O LY M P I C TEAM, AND ALSO PENGUIN AND M E E R K AT S H O W S .