Tooltek Promotions Vehicle Service 2018 | Page 2

DIAGNOSTIC TOOL FEATURES VSCANP Central Processing Unit (CPU) Operating System Intel Quad-Core Processor 1.86GHz Android 4.4 Hard Drive 32GB Touch Screen Display 8" 1280x800 Wi-Fi 9 Wireless VCI 9 3.7V 8500mAh Li-Poly Internal Battery Weight • The V-Scan Pro diagnostic tool is a fast wireless multitasking operating system. • Includes the most extensive coverage of OE-level diagnostics, allowing independent garages to provide a complete diagnostic service for cars, SUVs and vans. • Software features: - Read/clear codes - Live data - Actuation tests - ECU and key coding (some vehicles) - Special functions; Battery Configuration, DPF, Electronic Parking Brake , Oil Service Reset, Throttle Reset, TPMS and more - Maintenance functions; Technical information and data management • Model No. VSCANP • List Price £1999.95 NEW 0.70kg Camera (rear) 5.0 Megapixel Camera (front) 2.0 Megapixel Boot-Up Time 25 Seconds Subscription Based On-Line Updates Future 1 year update cost: 9 £499.95 + VAT LIVE DATA GRAPHING DPF No tool lockout when updates have expired. Supplied with 2 Years of Updates. EASY NAVIGATION SRS (Airbag) SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Battery Configuration Smartkey Program Throttle Reset Suspension Service Reset EPB ABS £1849.95 £ 2 2 1 9 . 9 4 2 EXC. VAT TPMS Steering Angle Sensor Lamp Adaption INC. VAT sealey tools @sealeytools sealey tools sealeytools