Tone Report Weekly Issue 158 | Page 36

From the simple, one-knob elegance of the Holy Grail, to the expansive H o l i e s t G r a i l a n d C a t h e d r a l , E l e c t ro Harmonix has a reverb pedal with your name on it. The EHX Spring mode is one of the best in the business, and even if you have a bevy of other reverb stompboxes in your stable, you need one of the EHX variants to make your collection complete. In our current world of pedals with computer capabilities, t h e r e ’s something incredibly satisfying about adjusting one knob for your Flerb setting, or moving some slider switches up and down t o a d j u s t y o u r p r e - d e l a y o n t h e f l y. As guitarists, we should always e m b r a c e n e w t e c h n o l o g y, a s i t c a n take our playing in new directions, but we must never forget about the classics, and Electro-Harmonix has given us a boatload of them for our tonal delight. “Since the mid-‘70s, EHX has been a power player in the effects business thanks to heavy hitters like the Big Muff, Deluxe Memory Man, Electric Mistress, and Small Stone.”