Tone Report Weekly Issue 121 | Page 32

T he DOD 250 Preamp Overdrive debuted in the late ‘70s, alongside the very similar MXR Distortion+ and Micro Amp. While the Distortion+ has a very distinct, and, dare I say, one-dimensional quality, and the Micro Amp had a very singular purpose (clean boost), the 250 was harder to pigeon hole. The Distortion+ offers a thick, compressed germaniumderived character while the 250 was transparent. Of course, it wasn’t really transparent, but its tone shaping qualities are subtle and, 32 TONE TALK // perhaps most significantly, it leaves the midrange alone. The 250 fell into obscurity, but then obscurity has slowly become myth. I first picked up an original “gray spec” (so-named for the gray box that housed the 250 when it was first released) in the early ‘90s, and it was more than 10 years before I was finally persuaded to let it go (more on that below) and I’m here to tell you, brothers and sisters, the legends are true. But don’t take my word for it: here are five builders who agree the DOD 250 still has something to offer. The Legacy of the DOD 250: 5 Killer Clones