Tone Report Weekly Issue 115 | Page 36

Vox Night Train G2 SPECS: This little chrome beastie has been on the market for some time now, and it remains to be one of the most interesting offerings in the lunchbox amp world. It admittedly shows it’s age by not sporting the fancy XLR, USB, or power scaling options had by the other amps on this list, but what it lacks in features in makes up in sound, versatility, and sheer staying power. The clean sound has got the classic chime of a Vox, with a bit of a glassy mid scoop like a Fender. The dirty channel slightly resembles the Top Boost channel on the famed AC30, but its character resembles an early Marshall, (which was originally derived from the Bassman circuit). Some may perceive this amp’s internals as an identity crisis, but I call it versatility. The Night Train G2 can do a whole lot for its size, and it’s easy to recommend for anyone looking for a lot of tones in one small box. 36 TONE TALK // BRIGHT (CLEAN) AND GIRTH (DIRTY) CHANNEL WITH SHARED THREEBAND EQ SWITCHES FOR CHANGING CHARACTER OF GAIN ONBOARD REVERB 15 WATTS 2X EL84 POWER TUBES AND 2X 12AX7 PREAMP TUBES Keep it Down: 5 Tiny Amps for Close Quarters