Tone Report Weekly 201 | Page 51

to back off on the Level lest my practice amp get overwhelmed. The glitching as I bent and flubbed notes were a blast. I felt like we were off to the races. The tonality started to diversify as I started dialing in the Subharmonic, with the groove maintained no matter the notes nor octave-interval setting I had, but MAN did we go from zero to 60 when I started dialing in the Oscillator. If the Subharmonic is the bass, the Oscillator is definitely the treble. The speed of the oscillation and timbre of the pitch felt squealing and chaotic no matter what setting I had or how I played. It honestly started to give me a headache and I felt I wasn’t really in control anymore, so I actually dialed that back while focusing more on the Square and Subharmonic waves since I seemed to prefer those. sustained notes from one octave to the other. The Vibrato also provided some fun laser effects as I upped the rate of modulation. Pairing the Square Fuzz with my Jazz Bass also got some thick dubby goodness that reminded me of early Muse. In the end, I found myself slightly at a loss about how to recommend the Data Corrupter. EarthQuaker’s pitch and modulation pedals are truly unique but their practical applications are definitely going to vary from player to player. This isn’t helped by the list of recommendations EarthQuaker has on its website to get the best sound from the Data Corrupter (use the neck pickup, play single notes and not chords, and others). For my part, I prefer to plug and play. Having to work around the chaotic perimeters of a pedal that literally gives me a headache at certain settings feels like tying my hands. THINGS WE LIKE Square Wave fuzz and Subharmonic settings are good synthy fun. CONCERNS Watch out for that Oscillator! It’s a mad beast! The Glide setting actually really helped here after dialing the Oscillator back because of how it moved 51