Tone Report Weekly 199 | Page 33

tips from my friend Kris of KJ Audio Amplification (a great local amp builder from Minneapolis). Taking the advice of both gentlemen and my following my own inclination to open up every single thing I acquire and mess around with it, I got to work. Utilizing a rented ’59 Bassman for sound reference, I socket nearly every component in a dissected Box of Rock and kept trying different caps, educated-guess values, and tweaking trimmers until getting the right sound. The ’59 Sound, if you will. Hi, my name is Tommy Rehbein and I do various tasks at Z. Vex Effects. Many years ago when it was time to procure a proper rock ‘n’ roll amp for touring and recording as a young punk, after going through a slew of different rigs, it was with a Fender Bassman that I fell in love. Everyone else was playing Les Pauls with Marshalls. I was playing a Rickenbacker with a Fender. I set aside the prototype for Zack to check out, thinking he might like it enough to make a limited edition dirtbox to sell through the website. Turns out he dug it enough to add it to the product line, which was a pretty cool feeling. I also received a kind and encouraging email from one of my heroes, Nels Cline, who purchased one. Wow, thanks! I am but a lowly tinkerer! Seriously, though, such a privilege getting to work on this pedal. Hope you like it! Z. Vex has a popular pedal called the Box of Rock, which is based on the Marshall JTM45. Knowing that -----Tommy Rehbein the JTM45 itself was inspired by the Bassman, I’d wondered if it was possible to work backward and modify the Box of Rock to sound like a Bassman, too. After approaching Zack with the idea, we combed over some schematics together and I also received a few 33