Tone Report Weekly 198 | Page 33

nothing changed during layout design. This was a small issue but we managed to work around it. were pretty happy with for a starting point. We put it into an enclosure and sent it to Mike with the idea he would come back to us with changes he would like. Well, after a few weeks of playing and testing he said it was perfect, and just what he had been looking for. Of course I said, “great what do you want to tweak?” He said “absolutely nothing” and that it was on his board, and he asked when the production pedal would be ready because it was not coming off until he got the production model. This was after he tested it against 53 different OD pedals that were amongst his favorites for a variety of different reasons. While this was good news, it did present a slight issue in that we would not get the prototype back for final testing and circuit layout development to confirm Now it was just a matter of putting all this into a nice, player-friendly package. The Boost is a beautiful MOSFET boost with a Gain and Level so you can coax amazing clean and fast boost all the way to pushing the front end of your amp into a great breakup tone. Of course, it needed an order switching circuit so we could put the boost pre- or post-overdrive. Then, in fitting with our design philosophy, we had to give the pedal a way to know whether the boost was in pre or post position at a quick glance on a dark stage. This is accomplished by the lighted momentary order changing switch between the two footswitches. We use green-lit knobs for the boost side and red-lit knobs for the drive side, when the order switch is red the drive is first, when the order switch is green the boost is first. This switch is illuminated the moment power is put to the pedal so that the player always knows the order even if the pedal is turned off—no surprises. Per Mike and the countless major players playing the Peace Drive it appears that the mission was accomplished. What can I say? It rocks! —Steve Evans, Cast Engineering 33