Tone Report Weekly 181 | Page 23

capable of producing precision instruments would have no trouble producing simple musical gadgets, and theory ended up being 100 percent correct. The Jordan team produced a slew of guitar pedals, and every single one is worth seeking out. Notable examples include the ultra-rare Vico Vibe (which I’ve built in these very pages, issue 120), the Creator (one of many, many Big Muff clones of the era), the Vibrasonic and a handful more. Though these pedals are great (especially that Vico Vibe— seriously, build it), the one everyone goes crazy for is the original Boss Tone. realized as a pro-grade tone tool, yet was still polarizing due to its awkward enclosure. A wave of clones soon followed, and to this day, many pedals are based on the Boss Tone— the Voodoo Lab Superfuzz, Electro-Harmonix Satisfaction, Rockett WTF and many pedals by Paul Trombetta, just to name a few. Players the world over have tasted the Boss Tone, and now, so will you. This build represents an exciting time here at Tone Report, because we are offering kits for this project. Much of the kinks in the DIY hose are creatted by the need to procure the Build Your Own modified jordan boss words by Nicholas Kula tone Manufactured in a small plastic shell that was originally meant to plug directly into the guitar, the Boss Tone was about as inconvenient as pedals get. Theoretically, these pedals were absolutely manufactured by Geiger counter engineers—there’s no way this design, released as part of a line, was preconceived with the idea that only one effect can be used at a time. Perhaps this is testament to brand loyalty coupled with the simplicity of the time period—guitarists may have only needed one effect at a time to find their sounds. Despite this hang-up, the Boss Tone was quickly parts for each build—components have many more ratings than we need, and there are informational pitfalls throughout. For example, if you order 630-volt capacitors or two-watt resistors, they’re going to be huge and won’t fit the layout. The navigation is cloudy at best, and so I have taken it upon myself to personally assemble each kit for you, and the build instructions provided herein are built using the exact same kit available for sale—it’s foolproof. But before we continue, let’s have a look at the d