Tom Ruscha Bowman Offshore Bank Transfers: Start an Offshore

Bowman Offshore Bank Transfers: Start an Offshore Company How an offshore company can lower your taxes Is the price tag on this year’s tax return still stinging? Are you tired of a high tax rate eating away at your hard-earned business and investment income? Bankrupt governments are waging war on success. The “lands of opportunity” have rolled up the welcome mats for business. So, what are you paying? Is 35%? 40%? 50% of your income going to taxes? That’s an awful lot of your money going to greedy politicians who clearly don’t value your success. But do they have a point? After all, they’re letting you create jobs and build wealth in their country. Right… If you’re tired of paying so much for the “privilege” of running a business in the west, and you want to reduce taxes and protect your assets, then it’s time you explore your options with offshore companies. Lucky for you, you’re in the right place. The story behind offshore companies Setting up an offshore company is a legal, effective way to protect your income from any greedy mouths (like that of whatever western government you call home). Apple, Google, Microsoft, Starbucks–These businesses use offshore corporations to save a lot of money and grow their businesses on their own terms. Saving money with low tax rates means more money to reinvest in their companies And your company doesn’t have to make billions of dollars in order for you to apply the same principles to your business and get the same low tax rates. There are legitimate strategies that international business owners and investors can use to reduce taxes and grow their business. The most important part of these strategies is they’re 100% legal. You just need the right advice (and a little bit of money).