TODOS 2016 Ensuring Equity and Excellence in Mathematics for ALL | Page 12

!12 INVESTIGATE SESSIONS 8:00-9:30 Maggie Hackett First Generation Equity Worker: A Ethnomathematics : Bringing Out-ofJourney to School Discover Who is Mathematics “In" Really At-Risk (K-8)(General) (General) James Gray Grande Ballroom B Susana Davidenko & Linda Fulmore The Mathematics Jane Tanner Classroom as a Forum Using "Game" to Discuss Historical Theory to Help ALL Students Learn Events and Connect (General) Them with Current Social Justice Conflicts (K-8)(General) Grande Ballroom A Grande Ballroom E Christine D. Thomas April Knippen & Experimenting with Keli Dungan Transformations in Dynamic the Plane Discourse (6-8) (6-12)(College) Grande Ballroom C Breakfast 7:00-8:00 La Valencia B June 25 Saturday La Valencia A Student Awards Grande Ballroom C Sharon Rendon Empowering Students to Make Connections Between Mathematical Representations (6-8) (9-12) 5:30-6:30 Greisy Winicki-Landman Crea:ng Mathema:cal Tasks that are Rigorous and Accessible to all Students (K-12) Grande Ballroom E Lindsey Weiland & Natasha Cox Comparing Functions Erin Sylves & in Multiple Maya Gueron Representations: Ticket to Ride: Using Learning Map The Journey to Models to Identify High-Level Tasks Prerequisites, Inform (9-12) Instruction, and Assess Learning (6-8) (9-12) Follow-Up Discussions with Impact Communities Participants will meet in the original rooms. Sarah Clarkson & Michelle Higgins Leveraging Collaborative Design Challenges to Inform Mathematics Instruction and Assessment for Diverse Learners (General) Florence Glanfield Wicihitowin: Exploring Mathema:cs Educa:on Leadership Through the Lens of Indigenous Perspec:ves (General) Grande Ballroom C 4:45-5:15 INVESTIGATE SESSIONS 3:00-4:30 Grande Ballroom B Grande Ballroom A La Valencia B Break 2:45-3:00 La Valencia A June 24 Heather LindforsNavarro Leadership: Lessons Learned and Next Steps (General) Grande Ballroom F Alice Cook Powerful Numbers in a Social Justice Algebra Classroom: Catalyzing Critical Thinking, Rigorous Mathematical Learning, and Student Voice (6-12) Grande Ballroom F TODOS 2016 Conference Sessions and Speakers Friday June 23 - 25