Today's Practice: Changing the Business of Medicine TP2018Q2DigitalEditionWeb | Page 53

Adjusters Paul A. Samakow, Esq. A drunk driver struck a vehicle, causing an eight-year old child in the car to hit his face and lose four teeth. The adjuster said kids lose teeth all of the time, it’s not a big deal. A man’s wife was killed in a car accident. After two years he returned to dating. Unbelievably, his girlfriend was then killed while riding as a passenger in his car. The insurance adjuster said that the man’s anguish after the death of his wife was so high that it couldn’t get much worse. A woman made a claim against her boyfriend, who caused an automobile accident injuring her, because she needed her medical bills paid and her wages reimbursed. The adjuster asked: didn’t the woman truly love her boyfriend, and why is she suing him? An adjuster refused to pay a man for the wages he lost when he had take time from his job to attend doctor’s appoint- ments and therapy. The adjuster offered that the man should have gone during his lunch hour. (Note that it is mostly impossible to travel back and forth, and spend any reasonable time for the administration of therapy in an hour). In reviewing medical records for a woman who decades prior had a sexually transmitted disease, a claims adjust- er made a condescending comment, as if the adjuster, a male, was at a frat party. The woman’s attorney pointed out that her accident injuries were not a result of a disease. An attorney offered the following observation: I have also come to believe that this is a good field to seek employment for misanthropes who are not both- ered by efforts to belittle and bring down fellow human beings. For those who have never outgrown the mindset of a mean child who pulls the wings off of bugs while they are still alive, this can be a field where they can earn a paycheck for having a mentality like that. “All of this changed in the early 1990's. Insurers went from trusted advisors to massive profit centers.” I tell my clients that the reason I have a job is because the insurance companies do not do what they should. Many insurance adjusters should be ashamed of them- selves. Fiduciary and Indemnity principles are mostly gone in today’s insurance claims world. Doctors: write complete and thorough reports, and state affirmatively that the injuries were caused by the collision. Don’t give claims adjusters more ammuni- tion with which to victimize your patients further. meet the author: Paul A. Samakow, Esq. Speaker and Consultant The Business Answer Paul A. Samakow is a business consultant for orthopedists across the country, and an trial attorney in Maryland and =PYNPUPHZPUJL °/LYLWYLZLU[ZPUQ\Y`]PJ[PTZHUKYV\[PULS` battles insurance companies and big businesses that will not accept full responsibility for the harms and losses they cause. /PZ IVVR ¸;OL  *YP[PJHS ;OPUNZ @V\Y (\[V (JJPKLU[ ([[VYUL` >VU»[ ;LSS @V\¹ JHU IL PUZ[HU[S` KV^USVHKLK MVY MYLL VU OPZ website: TODAY’S PRA C T I C E: C HA NGI NG T HE BUS I NES S OF M EDICINE 52