Today's Practice: Changing the Business of Medicine TP2018Q2DigitalEditionWeb | Page 20

P RA CT I CE MA NA GE ME NT A Very Real, Very Expensive Outcome. Physician Burnout By Gregory Sanders, MD Physician burnout is real and prevalent. According to the U.S. News & World Report, 54 percent of doctors in this country meet criteria consistent with burnout. So, what exactly is physician burnout and how can we detect it early? While it is easy to recognize blatant exhaustion, burnout symptoms can also be more indirect. We have all encountered doctors who become cynical towards medi- cine and the medical system in general, and in my opinion, this is the first early sign that burnout is coming. An overall negative attitude starts during training, where harmless complaining eases the burden of a grueling residency or fellowship program, and seems to bond us together like soldiers. But is it harmless? The first few years beyond training are sheltered from burnout due to financial rewards and a newfound self-rule which has been finally realized after a decade of education. As the years pass, frustration with practicing in a heavily regulat- ed environment starts to sink in. So, what do we do? Well, we tend to revert b