Today's Practice: Changing the Business of Medicine National Edition Q1 2018 | Page 20

T E CHNOL OGY Virtual Reality In addition to management for stress disorders, psychologists have also explored the application of virtu- al reality in treating anxiety disorders. The treatment has proved especially effective to help people address fears like acrophobia, arachnophobia and claustrophobia. Given that over 19 million people in the U.S. are plagued by specific phobias, the effectiveness of virtual reality could pave the way for a better alternative to the use of medications. Stroke Rehabilitation Virtual reality has also shown to advance recovery during physical therapy, as creating a virtual “physical” world can allow patients to practice re-learning func- tional tasks with increasing degrees of complexity, or make monotonous exercise more interesting. Stroke patients in particular have demonstrated marked improvements in arm and hand movement after four weeks of VR rehab as opposed to cohorts who under- took traditional rehab therapy. Ilya Druzhnikov “Virtual reality has also shown to advance recovery during physical therapy, as creating a virtual “physical” world can allow patients to practice re-learning functional tasks with increasing degrees of complexity, or make monotonous exercise more interesting.” meet the author: Wheelchair Training For previously ambulatory patients suddenly without the use of their legs, not only are they faced with the hurdles of emotional acceptance, they also have the physical challenges of learning to “drive” a wheelchair to overcome. VR is being explored as a means to help ease that transition. A team of designers at Fjord has come up with a virtual, urban environment that is designed to help first-time wheelchair users safely practice steering and navigating obstacles before having to tackle those new-found challenges in the real world. These applications are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ways in which virtual reality can revolutionize the healthcare industry as we know it today. And as the technology becomes more affordable and widely accessi- ble, patients all over the world will have increasing access to a broad spectrum of non-invasive, non-narcotic treat- ment options. 19 Ilya Druzhnikov Co-founder Exit Reality Ilya Druzhnikov is the co-founder of Exit Reality, which develops, deploys and manages VR infrastructure and services for out-of-home distribution to meet the needs of consumers, retail and the VR industry at large. A serial entrepreneur, he has founded two successful companies which led their segments: Panop in web personalization, which has been acquired, and ConnectAndSell in sales acceleration, which is currently in its growth phase. Between stints as a founder, Ilya is an early-stage investor and advisor in numerous startups ranging from genetics and bioinformatics to IoT and foodtech. TODAY ’ S P R A C T I C E: C H A N G I N G T H E B U S INES S OF M EDI C I NE