TimeBanks USA e-Magazine | Page 18

2014 Global Exchange Partial Schedule of Events

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July 31

Full Day Institutes

Institute 1: Re-Weaving Local: Transition Towns & Timebanking

Institute 2: Using TimeBanking and Co-Production for System Change: A Journey Shared

Half Day Institutes

Institute 3: TimeBanking and Its Software: Visioning The Future

Institute 4: Mainstreaming Time Banking

Institute 5: Support Networks for Adults with Disabilities: Assuring a Good Life when Parents no Longer Can

Global Exchange Gathering “Kick Off” Reception

August 1

Welcomes & Introductory Remarks

Building Community Resilience around the World!

Workshops & Forums

Timebanking and volunteering: Coproducing Positive Futures through Innovation & Design

Healing Families & Organizations in Transition-How Can We Put New Knowledge to Use?

Community Weaver 3 – Presentation – Try it out

Reweaving Social Ties: Transform Yourself, Transform your Community

The Ecological Economy: Eco-Village to Eco-System

Luncheon: Innovations in Time Banking

Featured Speaker: Sarah Bird, CEO Time Banking UK

Panel Presentation

For a full & detailed agenda click here.

From page 4. Legal Services also helped them to develop a rapport with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to fund their tax services program and resource center. The Carltons run several programs and organizations, which offer a wide range of services, such as, free income tax preparation, financial literacy, and certifications in Mavis-Beacon, Microsoft Office, Notary Public, healthcare advocacy, and DCF services. They serve as advocates for the Legal Services program and educate the community on what is available to them through their program.

These anecdotes of achievement are just a small glimpse of what can be achieved through the Legal Services program. The assistance that is received is not limited to legal matters, but rather access to a myriad of services, and the empowerment of clients to make their own contributions to justice.

The Legal Services Corporation began in 1974 under the leadership of Linden B. Johnson Administration, Dr. Edgar Cahn, and his late wife, Jean Cahn. Their mission was to provide those in poverty with access to justice. Over the years, the mission has been altered and has become one that seeks to provide those in poverty with access to legal services. The War on Poverty is a war that we continue to fight, hoping that one day these issues will cease to exist. Until then, we have learned to live to fight another day.