TIM eMagazine Volume 2 Issue 9 | Page 74

Tech CONCERN OVER CYBER LIABILITY AND LACK OF REGULATION HINDERING IMPLEMENTATION OF UNMANNED SHIPS * Concern over increased cyber security threat * Uncertainty surrounding insurance cover availability * Doubts raised over industry readiness for new technology A lmost two thirds (64%) of global marine industry executives believe there is un- certainty surrounding liability issues  relating to unmanned ships should a vessel be involved in an incident as a result of a cyber- attack, according to a new report from global law firm Clyde & Co and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST). A survey of 220 marine industry executives from across the world also found that there is a lack of clarity around collisions involving unmanned ships, with 59% of survey respon- dents agreeing there is confusion surrounding the regulations in this area. "Technology is today advancing at an un- precedented rate and promises a host of new solutions for the maritime industry in terms of improved efficiency, safety and environmental performance. However, we should not be blinded by the benefits. We must also remain alert to the potential risks. This joint research report examines these vulnerabilities and how they might be addressed and is an important starting point for the industry to begin preparing for the future." David Loosley, Chief Executive, 74