TIM eMagazine Volume 2 Issue 3 | Page 31

TIM eMagazine Vol.2 Issue 3 condition, leads to the narrowing of spaces in the spinal cord, resulting in chronic back pain. 5.Osteoporosis: When your bones become porous or brittle over time, your spine’s vertebrae may develop compression fractures leading to back pain. Yet we must not lose hope that all is gone if we experience back pains. There are several types of basic cures that include pain killers, hot baths and cold ice packs and other medical wonders and supplements. Yet the most basic cures are maintaining correct posture, regular exercise and correct ways of handling heavy objects. Incorrect handling or lifting of heavy objects is one of the major causes of back pain, particularly in the workplace. Think before you consider lifting heavy things. Ask yourself if you are capable of lifting such a heavy load by yourself. If you are, then follow these guidelines to avoid causing any muscle strain or pain. *Start with good posture. This means legs apart, a sight bend when lifting the load, breathe in to tighten your core, bend your back and hips slightly as you lean in and firmly hold the load. *Secondly, keep the load close to your waist and avoid twisting sideways or back in an abrupt motion. *Keep your head up and straight rather than looking down at the load. *If you have a choice, push the load rather than pulling it towards yourself. *Lastly, while carrying the load distribute equal weight on both your legs to avoid any sudden fall or sprain. Time and again, take the proper steps now to prevent injuring your back and limiting your mobility. Why do you have back pain? Back pain is a very common complaint. ... Pain in the lower back may be linked to the bony lumbar spine, discs between the vertebrae, lig- aments around the spine and discs, spinal cord and nerves, lower back muscles, abdomen and pelvic internal organs, and the skin around the lumbar area. Disclaimer: Fit On Board gives only information that will help you understand ailments and its symptoms. Suggest preventive measures but not as cures. It is still best suited for you to seek professional advice and consult your doctors… 31