Tied in a Bow May 2015 | 页面 42

that. That said, we usually operate in the background so that our clients can bask in the recognition from their peers for having obtained a specific item before everybody else or put together an event that amazed the guests.

Q: What is the most outrageous request you can tell us about?

Austin Young: There are a few, but I can’t really talk about them. One of the craziest and at the same time coolest things we’vedone was source a $200,000 handbag and fly it 20,000

miles to a birthday party because it was a request with only 24 hours' notice. The logistics were crazy, but we did it. The most demanding requests are always the ones where you need to procure an item that needs to be somewhere at a certain time to meet the client’s wishes. We’ve done a few of those, and it's been exciting! Another fun and recent example was our involvement in the sale of a Ferrari, which was next to impossible to obtain, but we managed to make our client happy.

Q: Do you advertise your business? How do you promote it?

Scott Svarney: We don’t really need to advertise our business because we work on the basis of personal recommendation for the high-end requests and for our services that are more mainstream, like, event tickets or any type of rental or charter. We have a growing network of affiliates who send us business. We like to think that growth is harmful beyond a certain point because you can no longer control the quality and guarantee the service, so we like to keep our business at a boutique size as we expand and build up our partners who are as equally driven to excellence as we are. Every advisor can only handle a few accounts if we want it done right. We are happy where we are and look ahead to a bright future because the real luxury industry is never in a recession. I suppose you could compare Veltracon to having an old family recipe that was perfected over a long time; you only share it with your best friends and family or those you wish to impress. We are a well-kept secret in the community of wealth.

“Quality over quantity is what we live by. When you serve a client, you have to do it right or don’t do it at all.”

You can visit Vetracon at www.veltracon.com